What is a RunTrainer account?

Another account?! Yes, although you might just want to connect Facebook to make signing up a 2-step authentication process. But there is a very good reason for you to sign up. By storing your data on our cloud servers your progress will be saved and no matter if your phone falls in the toilet, you buy a better one. Just log-in and your personal stats are ready to go!

Also, it allows you to log in on RunTrainer.com and see detailed stats on your runs.

Written by Run Trainer.

Run Trainer is je persoonlijke hardloop coaching app. Begin met hardlopen of verbeter je snelheid. Met de ingebouwde 5K, 10K, 15K of halve marathon training schema's ben je snel en eenvoudig onderweg. Luister tijdens het hardlopen naar je favoriete muziek en wordt tussendoor gecoacht. Ben je al meer gevorderd? Dan kun je zelfs je eigen schema's in de app programmeren.